This week, 10 July, there is a service of Morning Worship at 9.30am at St Bartholomew, Burstow, a service of Holy Communion at 10am at St Mary the Virgin, Horne and a service of Morning Worship at 11am at St John the Baptist, Outwood. And as always, there is an online service here, too, which this week is led by the Revd Dr Tony Rich
To follow today’s service just click on the arrow here and find the words below.
Ye servants of God, your Master proclaim,
and publish abroad his wonderful name;
the name all-victorious of Jesus extol;
his kingdom is glorious and rules over all.
God ruleth on high, almighty to save;
though hid from our sight, his presence we have;
the great congregation his triumph shall sing,
ascribing salvation to Jesus our King.
Salvation to God, who sits on the throne!
let all cry aloud, and honour the Son;
the praises of Jesus the angels proclaim,
fall down on their faces and worship the Lamb.
Then let us adore and give him his right:
all glory and power, all wisdom and might,
all honour and blessing with angels above
and thanks never-ceasing, for infinite love.
This is the day the Lord has made
We shall rejoice and be glad in it.
Let us pray:
The Collect for the fourth Sunday after Trinity
O God, the protector of all who trust in you,
without whom nothing is strong, nothing is holy:
increase and multiply upon us your mercy;
that with you as our ruler and guide
we may so pass through things temporal
that we lose not our hold on things eternal;
grant this, heavenly Father,
for our Lord Jesus Christ’s sake,
who is alive and reigns with you,
in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
one God, now and for ever. Amen
The readings
by Kay Hammond and Judith Calver
The first reading is Deuteronomy 30: 9-14
This is the word of the Lord.
Thanks be to God.
Hear the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ according to Luke.
Glory to you, O Lord.
The Gospel reading is from Luke 10: 25-37
This is the Gospel of the Lord.
Praise to you, O Christ.
by Revd Dr Tony Rich
The Prayers
Our Father, who art in heaven,
hallowed be thy name;
thy kingdom come; thy will be done;
on earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread.
And forgive us our trespasses,
as we forgive those who trespass against us.
And lead us not into temptation;
but deliver us from evil.
For thine is the kingdom,
the power and the glory,
for ever and ever.
God is working his purpose out as year succeeds to year.
God is working his purpose out, and the day is drawing near.
Nearer and nearer draws the time, the time that shall surely be,
When the earth shall be filled with the glory of God
as the waters cover the sea.
From the east to the utmost west wherever foot has trod,
Through the mouths of his messengers echoes forth the voice of God:
‘Listen to me, ye continents, ye islands, give ear to me,
That the earth shall be filled with the glory of God
as the waters cover the sea.
How can we do the work of God, how prosper and increase
Harmony in the human race and the reign of perfect peace?
What can we do to urge the time, the time that shall surely be,
When the earth shall be filled with the glory of God
as the waters cover the sea?
March we forth in the strength of God, his banner is unfurled;
Let the light of the gospel shine in the darkness of the world:
Strengthen the weary, heal the sick and set ev’ry captive free,
That the earth shall be filled with the glory of God
as the waters cover the sea.
All our efforts are nothing worth unless God bless the deed;
Vain our hopes for the harvest tide till he brings to life the seed.
Yet ever nearer draws the time, the time that shall surely be,
When the earth shall be filled with the glory of God
as the waters cover the sea.
Arthur Campbell Ainger (1841-1919)
Adapted by Michael Forster (b.1946)
Organist: Peter Nye
Hymn words reproduced under CCLI: 845257.
Common Worship: Services and Prayers for the Church of England (2000), material from which is included in this service, is copyright © The Archbishops’ Council 2000.